7th Official BioCatPolymers Meeting, 3 June, 2020 (Teleconference)

| Thursday, 04 June 2020 |

7th Official BioCatPolymers Meeting, 3 June, 2020 (Teleconference)

The 7th Official BioCatPolymers Meeting took place on 3 June, 2020 via teleconference.

In the meeting participated representatives of the project partners and also the project officer of the European Commission, Dr Angel Fuentes-Mateos.

Main topics that were discussed were the technical progress regarding the thermocatalytic processes and the scaling up of the fermentation process, the technoeconomic evaluation and the Life Cycle Analysis of the BioCatPolymers technology and the submission of the 4th amendment to the Grant Agreement. In terms of the dissemination activities, the promotion of the project’s technology via participation in conferences/exhibitions and via publications in scientific journals and social science media was presented.

The BioCatPolymers project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 Programme of the EU, under Grant Agreement No 760802.